Renowned Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer explains his breakthrough three-step anti-aging method, for maintaining radiant skin at home, in his book Younger. The author is famously relied upon by celebrities to help maintain their radiant complexions and reverse the effects of ageing. Based on years of clinical research, Dr. Lancer developed a method that focuses on how skin repairs and regenerates itself, rather than merely addressing the visible signs of ageing. The book outlines how each step, 1. Exfoliate 2. Cleanse 3. Nourish, helps the skin to help itself. In the book, a road map is provided to help readers navigate the mixed messages of today’s dermatological advice, avoid expensive invasive treatments, and see through the empty promises of so many beauty products. Dr. Lancer also recommends the most effective skincare products for every budget and suggests surprising lifestyle choices in diet, exercise and stress management. From an expert dermatologist who works with A-list clients, skincare secrets are revealed. Expect youthful and glowing results.