The show revolves around the compositions of Homero Manzi, Carlos Gardel and Astor Piazzolla. The cast is composed of 15 artists on stage. 4 dance couples, two singers and live quintet have a duration of 87 minutes ..Dinner is a four step menu:* Reception: Little glass of sherry with stuffed empanaditas.* Entrance: Vegetable Minestrone or Pickled Peceto or Vegetarian Quiche with vegetable julienne and puff pastry or Creole Empanadas.* Main course: Sausage steak with fried potatoes or mixed salad or mixed brochette with paillé potatoes or ¼ Champagne chicken with champagne onions, herbs and garnish with rustic potatoes or Sorrentinos (chicken and vegetables) with pink sauce or vegetable risotto With chicken cubes.* Dessert: Ice cream with kiwi sauce and strawberry or Tiramisu or Traditional Bread Pudding with cream and dulce de leche* Drinks: Mineral or carbonated water or juice or beer ball or Red / White Wine of the house (one bottle every two people).