Leave Siem Reap by quiet back roads and before you know it, you are in small village & hamlets, where the pace of life has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Slowly unwind as your dirt bike drives past majestic, traditional stilled houses, often opening behind to small farms & rice fields. Picture perfect scenery. Farmers tending their crops & livestock, children on bicycles laughing, women selling home produce in front of their house, colourful Wats in contrast to the earthen colours of the countryside, the countryside teaming with life. Our guides know these roads and the people. We take in the village of Trough Khnut, and one or more hidden temples such as Bantey Ampil as we journey back to Siem Reap. This trip can be tailored to you - for speed, single tracks, an awesome motorbike adventure or just a way to get out and experience the countryside and see the Hidden Cambodia. Riders must be able to ride a motorbike.