Shared 3 Hours Lake Hibara Canoe Experience in Yama-gun Fukushima

Shared 3 Hours Lake Hibara Canoe Experience in Yama-gun Fukushima
Categories: Health Care, Minerals
26.8 CAD
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Enjoy water trekking at Lake Hibara, which is awarded the largest and most beautiful “Bandai Matsushima” in Urabandai, while gazing at Mt. Bandai, where the eruption traces of about 100 years ago are majestic. Since it is guided, even completely inexperienced people can enjoy canoe touring immediately. The canoe used is a highly stable two-seater kayak, so you don’t have to take difficult courses (rescue, etc.). It is unlikely to sink (no one in the past).For the course with lunch, enjoy the exciting outdoor cuisine Dodge Oven chicken and potatoes. It’s a wild lunch that you just put salt and pepper in an iron pot.