Sci-MX Omni MX Leancore 1.1kg Strawberry

Sci-MX Omni MX Leancore 1.1kg Strawberry
Brand: Sci-MX
Color: Strawberry
Size: 1.1
64.8 CAD
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Formulated For: Building lean muscle mass Gaining power, strength and speed Boosting weight training results. How Omni-MX® Leancore Works: Following the success of our market leading all-in-one mass gainer OMNI-MX® HARDCORE, our scientific team began developing an all-in-one, specifically designed for gym trainers who want to add muscle mass while developing a leaner, more sculpted physique. The result - OMNI-MX® LEANCORE, the ultimate all-in-one lean muscle gain shake. Each daily serving provides you with the following next-generation physique nutrition: 75g multi-stage release GRS-5® PROTEIN with Aminogen®, which doubles the effectiveness of protein, helping you get bigger, leaner and stronger - faster! GRS-5® PROTEIN supplies a rapid release hit of whey protein, plus a gradual release of amino acids for up to eight hours, keeping muscle anabolic. Optimal levels of our unique Cross-Action™ carbohydrate blend, containing a 90g synergy of rapid-action and complex carbs, delivering power-packed workouts and rapid muscle glycogen resynthesis, while supporting lean physique development by controlling sugar levels. With The Following Precision Engineered Stacks: MESONOID™ MUSCLE GAIN STACK - a potent blend of ‘gold standard’ growth-boosting agents to support intense weight-training. Includes BCAAs and glutamine, plus optimum amounts of taurine, Aminogen®, Bioperine®, chromium, and MCT-oil. TRI-CREATACORE™ SIZE, STRENGTH & PUMP STACK - a micro-infused blend of creatine monohydrate and next generation creatine pyruvate, creating the most effective creatine stack available. Enhanced with optimum amounts of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, for workout power and muscle-pump! ANDRO-MX-T™ PRO-ANABOLIC SUPPORT STACK - Andro-MX-T™ contains natural and highly effective masculine-support agents - avena sativa, nettle root extract and ZMA, developed after years of research into the unique hormonal needs of serious weight training athletes. If you’re training for lean, powerful muscle and a physique that demands respect in the gym or on the sports-field, OMNI-MX LEANCORE™ is guaranteed to give you exceptional physique development results. Experience the power of next-generation sports science!Maximise Results - Combine With Other Sci-MX Products For explosive pre-workout power and energy combine with Sci-MX X-PLODE+ HARDCORE™ For rapid fat loss when training for muscle-gain, combine with Sci-MX SHRED-X™ HARDCORE For optimised natural male anabolic support, combine with Sci-MX 17-T SOMATOCRI-MX™