Real Health Manuka Honey MGO830 - 250g

Real Health Manuka Honey MGO830 - 250g
Brand: Real Health
96.3 CAD
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Manuka Honey is a single flower honey harvested from the Manuka bush (Leptospermum Polygalifollum).It has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine because it’s safe and effective. Today Manuka Honey is loved for its superior antibacterial and antioxidant properties to support immunity, wound care and general health and wellbeing. Dark, rich and delicious Real Health Manuka honey is naturally sourced by hand in native Australian bushland where the Manuka bush grows. Great care is taken when harvesting Real Health Manuka honey in order to protect the important enzymes that make Manuka honey a super food. That’s why Real Health can give you premium, 100% pure Australian Manuka Honey. Manuka Honey contains a high concentration of Methylglyoxal (MGO) a natural substance shown to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Only honey with an MGO score of 100 or higher can be called “bioactive” which is why Real Health Manuka Honey measures the antibacterial strength using this superior and internationally recognized methodology. The Real Health range of honey starts at MGO 100 up to MGO 830. The higher the MGO levels the greater the activity levels of the honey. Real Health Manuka Honey measures the antibacterial effectiveness using the internationally recognized MGO rating system. Every batch is independently tested by a certified laboratory to ensure the highest standards of quality for you and your family. Caution: Not Suitable for infants under 12 months.