Private Monteverde Night Tour

Private Monteverde Night Tour
47.56 CAD
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Eduardo Venegas is an experienced tour guide with vast knowledge of the local Flora and Fauna. He has dedicated more than 20 years of his life to eco-tourism. His special interest is for the birds of Costa Rica and has spent many years in study and research of the wide variety of species which exist in this small country. He worked on the technical revision and photography for “An Illustrated Field Guide to Birds of Costa Rica”, published by Incafo Costa Rica S.A. One of Venegas’ most recent and important researches is about the presence of the oilbird (Steatornis caripensis) in Costa Rica. The oilbird is a nocturnal bird rarely seen in Costa Rica. This specie is originally from South America and is the only nocturnal bird whose diet is based solely on fruits. Venegas has been studying the behavior, habitat and distribution of this bird in Costa Rica since 2010 in collaboration with INBIO (National institute of Biodiversity in Costa Rica) and MINAET.