Naples Private Walking Tour, Street Food and Archeological Museum from Rome

Naples Private Walking Tour, Street Food and Archeological Museum from Rome
1130.56 CAD
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“Vedi Napoli, e poi muori”. In other words, before you die, you must experience the beauty and magnificence of Naples. Naples deserves to be seen at least once - ideally several times - before you die. Join our Naples tours and you’ll discover that this fascinating city is rich in art, history and food.Naples is an incredibly lively, vibrant city. You could easily spend a day just walking up and down. You’ll see street musicians (and street mathematicians), beautiful churches, unusual statues, artists’ workshops, and food! If you’re on a diet, Naples is probably one of the worst places you could possibly be. Temptation is everywhere. Neapolitan pastries are delicious too - a rum-soaked baba, or a sfogliatella stuffed with creamy ricotta. The backstreets of Naples are filled with masterpieces, such as Caravaggio’s Seven Works of Mercy or the exquisite Cristo Velato (Veiled Christ) in the Cappella Sansevero.