Myprotein Simeon Panda Lean Mass Stack (UK)

Myprotein Simeon Panda Lean Mass Stack (UK)
Brand: Myprotein
117.9 CAD
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Save £17.37 on the individual product prices. This stack has been carefully put together by 2013 Musclemania Europe Champion, Simeon Panda. After spending years perfecting his diet, he relies on the extra help from these staple supplements. The products help him gain as much muscle as possible whilst limiting fat gain all year round. The six products included ensure every part of supplementation is covered to help enhance recovery and provide strength gains, solid workouts, optimum brain function and most importantly, lean mass gains. Includes: Impact Whey Isolate, 1kg, Chocolate Smooth Containing over 90% protein, very little carbohydrates and fats, this is a great option for fast-releasing high-quality protein. Creatine Monohydrate, 250g, Unflavoured The subject of hundreds of studies, Creatine Monohydrate has been proven to help improve power, strength and muscle growth. Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, 250g Increases the “pump” sensation whilst training, providing a fuller and more vascular look. BCAA, 250g, Berry Blast Works to enhance recovery, prevent muscle breakdown and can also help build lean mass. HMB, 180 tabs Helps promote tissue growth, repair and also prevents the breakdown of muscle protein. Cod Liver Oil, 90 caps Provides you with essential EPA and DHA to support optimum brain function, cardiac health, joint support and immune health. Myprotein Blender Bottle Our high quality shaker includes a wire blending ball to ensure the smoothest drink possible with minimal effort