Myprotein Natural Nuts (Brazils)

Myprotein Natural Nuts (Brazils)
Brand: Myprotein
10.5 CAD
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Brazil Nuts are the best source of Selenium within the nut world. This makes the protein content of Brazil Nuts ‘complete’ and means they have all the necessary amino acids to encourage optimal growth in humans. Selenium has also been shown to be a powerful antioxidant linked to lower rates of cancer and heart disease as well as discouraging the ageing process. Like all nuts, Brazil Nuts are an excellent source of protein and fibre and are high in minerals including zinc and magnesium, and contain valuable amounts of phosphorous, copper and iron. Brazil nuts also have high levels of unsaturated fat which will support healthy levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and help reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). These Brazil Nuts are 100% natural with no added salt or flavourings and are the perfect choice for a healthy and nutritious snack.