Travellers’ Choice Award 2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ …within the top 10% of tours worldwide"A hang out with ‘Hodor’ Game of Thrones ® tour!" Flip, your local-guide and driver was a stand-in actor for Hodor in ‘The Door’ and ‘The Mountain’ in ‘Oathbreaker’ and ‘The Winds of Winter’, Season 6. There will be additional behind the scenes stories and anecdotes from his experience! This specialist Game of Thrones ® filming locations tour showcases the mythical land of Westeros®. The dramatic ‘film star good looks’ of this incredible coastal area are highlighted.Tour the most stunning off beaten-track filming locations. This private guided tour, in open countryside, allows you to visit the places that most fans on large coaches cannot reach. From Ballycastle less time is spent travelling between sites.Book this tour to set foot on the actual locations where the some of the most iconic scenes were filmed. See where the cast, countless crew and support staff worked their magic.