Fast Track: Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Tour

Fast Track: Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Tour
Categories: Health Care, Equipment
47.87 CAD
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Leave those crowds behind and skip the queue with our unmissable Colosseum experience. Explore the inside of one of the world’s greatest attractions that’s waiting for you here in Rome.Starting off with a short introduction right outside this marvellous monument, you’ll then head in to the Colosseum. through a dedicated fast track entrance. Fully explore the colosseum let one of our expert guides educate and amaze you with facts and memorable tales of the Roman Empire and the gladiatorial games. The tour doesn’t end there! With lots to see, our expert guides will take you on to the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Step back in time and uncover the hidden histories of the Ancient Romans and the Emperors palaces. Picture perfect moments are not to be missed as you end your tour surrounded by Rome’s glorious architectural masterpieces.