Dove Derma Spa Gradual Self Tan Body Lotion Summer Revive Shimmer 200ml

Dove Derma Spa Gradual Self Tan Body Lotion Summer Revive Shimmer 200ml
Brand: Dove
12.3 CAD
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Dove DermaSpa Summer Revived Shimmer Medium to Dark provides a natural, streak-free glow with added shimmer. Dove Summer Revived tanning moisturiser combines the luxurious sensory experience of a spa with the expertise of dermatological care.The Dove DermaSpa Summer Revived tanning moisturiser is suitable for use on sensitive skin. Moisturises to the deeper* layers of the skin whilst preventing moisture loss from the surface. Our cell Moisturisers consists of key moisturising active ingredients compressed from natural seed oils and combined with natural tanners. This moisturising self tanner can be used on medium to dark skin.