On 3/2/1887, the Scottish Prince was proceeding northward along theeast coast on the final stages of a voyage from Glasgowto Brisbane. At 11:40pm the master left the deck, leaving thesecond mate in charge-who had never sailed these watersbefore. Shortly after midnight the vessel ran aground.Several unsuccessful attempts were made by steamers to tow the ship off the bar. Within a few days, south-easterly weather conditionsdeteriorated. The ship keeled over and was abandoned.Over time the decks opened up allowing cases of cargo including sewing machines, drapery, whiskey, beer and mineral waters to be washed ashore. The bow of the iron hull is pointing towards the shore and is broken into three main sections. The bow and stern are both reasonably intact; however the side plates and decks have collapsed. It is now a habitat which provides food and shelter for a variety of marine life including sponges, corals, pelagic and reef fish, rays, octopus and wobbegong sharks.