Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, Lapa and Selarón Steps Private

Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, Lapa and Selarón Steps Private
206.09 CAD
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Discover some of the must-see attractions of Rio de Janeiro on this amazing small group 8-Hours-Full-Day-Tour with lunch included! About lunch: Brazilian dishes are very delightful. They are an exciting combination of ingredients, and flavor explosion.You will experience Brazilian Homemade food flavor combined with a creative menu!Some popular items of the restaurant’s buffet are:BeansBeans are sacred for Brazilians. We eat beans at least once a day.Rice and beans are a staple part of most Brazilians’ diet. A typical daily lunch consists of rice, brown or black beans, beef or chicken, salad, and fries.FeijoadaFeijoada is a black bean stew that is brewed with a variety of salted and smoked pork and beef products from Carne-Seca to smoked pork spareribs.FarofaIt features cassava flour toasted in butter or bacon, onion, and garlic. City tour you will visit:SambadromeOlimpic BoulevardMetropolitan Cathedral Selaron StaircaseLapaCinelandia