bliss Fat Girl Lean Machine

bliss Fat Girl Lean Machine
Brand: bliss
163.1 CAD 217.5 CAD
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Now, you can take ‘charge’ of your slimming routine at home with the fatgirlslim lean machine body contouring system. Inspired by our professional treatment, this spa-it-yourself system pairs the first power tool in the ‘Fatgirl’ family-a vacuum massager that uses a powerful combination oflifting, suction, rolling and pulsing lotions-with our famed caffeine-boosted fatgirlslim firming cream to smooth and tone the skin, giving the legs,buttocks and abs a more contoured look. Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, this body bettering duo is a seriously ’thigh’-tech way tohelp you achieve a sleeker-looking silhouette.Vacuuming has never been more fun!Directions:Step 1: stimulate: In the shower, apply our body-toning, skin-smoothing fatgirlscrub.Step 2: prep: always apply fatgirlslim® to thighs, buttocks, hips and stomach prior to using the lean machine to ensure proper glideStep 3: smooth + firm: take ‘charge’ with the fatgirlslim lean machine body contouring system, which delivers effective vacuumassistedmassage action and helps visibly reduce the appearance of celluliteStep 4: tone: target abs with fatgirlsixpack by massaging the tool into the tummy in a circular motionStep 5: smooth + snooze: Repeat that rubdown before bed with our ultra-rich overnight cream, fatgirlsleep