Best of Namibia Vacation

Best of Namibia Vacation
Categories: Health Care, Equipment
5548.52 CAD
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OverviewThis is the best tour for Namibia as it combines Cultural, Wildlife and Historical aspects of this ancient country. From the desert dunes to the wildlife haven of Etosha national park and the diversity of cultures, languages as well as desert coastal and savanna landscapes in this country is a bucket list. This is a private tour and can be tailored to suit your traveling needs and budget as well as particular places of interest.Why book this tripThis adventure is perfect for families who want to discover an African country that is off the beaten track. The trip offers a fascinating journey through Namibia offering an inspiring landscape of the oldest desert on the planet. The Namib Desert and Skeleton Coast are worth a visit by themselves and by combining this with a living desert and National parks, this is an incredible adventure