6 days Gorilla Adventure

6 days Gorilla Adventure
Categories: Health Care, Equipment
4109.24 CAD
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This amazing adventure takes us to Bwindi ‘The Impenetrable Forest’ in Uganda’s mountainous far southwestern tip where you will have the opportunity to track Mountain Gorillas. This action filled excursion will take you also to Mgahinga National Park where you will trek up Mount Sabinyo 3,645m one of the region’s inactive volcanoes. You will have the opportunity to observe another endangered species, the Golden Monkey in its natural habitat of bamboo forest. Local tribesmen will pilot dug-out canoes as we traverse Lake Mutanda.Bwindi ’the impenetrable forest’ home to one of the richest ecosystems in Africa. Mountain Gorillas are one of the world’s most endangered apes. It is estimated that there are only about 880 left throughout the world. Almost half of them can be found in Uganda, and populations can also be found in neighbouring Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo.