4 Days Batwa Trail & Gorilla Trekking Safari

4 Days Batwa Trail & Gorilla Trekking Safari
Categories: Health Care, Equipment
2617.77 CAD
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The 4 Days Batwa Trail & Gorilla Trekking Safari takes you to the dense jungle forests at the foot of the Virunga Volcanoes the home to the modern day primitive Batwa people: hunter-gatherers and fierce warriors who depend on the forest for shelter, food and medicine thanks to ancient knowledge passed down for generations. During this Batwa trail moving tour, the Batwa demonstrate hunting techniques; gather honey; point out medicinal plants and demonstrate how to make bamboo cups.Bwindi Impenetrable forest also offers a unique birding opportunity, cultural experiences, a scenic allure of stunning hills and lush vegetation inhabited by the elusive primates and pygmies. Gorilla tracking is the most enchanting experience in this forest. You will have an experience of a life time watching at close range these majestic apes as feed, play, relax and bond with the young.